
VZ USA is committed to delivering exceptional nut products. Our website is a key part of our service and can be found at https://vzusanuts.com. It serves as a platform for our customers to explore our product range and learn more about what we offer.


We encourage our users to engage with our content, but it’s important to note that if images are uploaded to the VZ USA website, they should not contain embedded location data (EXIF GPS). This is a precaution to protect your privacy. Visitors should be aware that any location data embedded in images on the site can be downloaded and extracted.


The VZ USA website utilizes cookies to enhance the user experience. These cookies are used to understand visitor interactions with our website and improve our services accordingly. Please note that these cookies do not store any personal data and are solely for the purpose of optimizing website functionality.


Articles and product descriptions on the VZ USA website may include embedded content (e.g., videos, images, articles). This content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the source website.

These third-party sites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with the embedded content. This interaction is subject to the privacy policy of the website from which the embedded content is derived.


For users who engage with our website, we may store data pertaining to your interactions with our site. This data is used solely for analytical purposes to improve our website and is retained only as long as necessary for these purposes.


If you have interacted with our website, you can request to receive a file of the personal data we hold about you, if any, including any data you have provided to us. Additionally, you can request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.


Visitor interactions may be analyzed through an automated spam detection service. This is a routine process to ensure the security and integrity of our website.

VZ USA是一家位於加利福尼亞州洛杉磯的農業農舍,用於生產和銷售堅果和食用種子。



+1 (310) 774-1947
2575 McCabe Way, Suite 242
Irvine, California 92614
2750 Ridgeline Drive Apt.(2750山脊線驅動公寓) K203型
電暈 CA 92882